Blunt Pencils

Dover smART Project has, over its six years, built a strong relationship with the local community and it’s beneficiaries.  Providing high quality support to vulnerable groups of people and using art to change their lives. 

“We want to make art accessible for all and make sure people have the experiences that we are fortunate enough to have.

When you pay to attend an art class you get beautiful materials to use, but if you have no money and go along to a free art activity, 9/10 you will get an uninspiring colouring sheet and horrible blunt pencils.

We want the people of Dover, our young carers, older people and all the groups we work with to have positive experiences that gives them aspiration for the future and put them on the pathway to better health and wellbeing. 

We don’t want them being disheartened by blunt pencils!”

Dawn Maddison, Creative Director